Given the physical constraints of galleries, the popularisation of digital art and the availability of metaverses, galleries and artists are pushing the boundaries of virtual spaces used for the exhibition and consumption of art. Not only does this medium close certain experiential gaps when used for exhibiting digital art, its flexibility allows for more creative uses of space as a digital artistic medium.
At its core, notification systems are designed to transmit information. They can be the trigger of our collective trauma, designed to warn us of imminent danger; or have an active role in the community as a symbol of time and the keeper of sanctity; or take on a more proactive role as a predictive behaviour mechanism. Life used to be simpler when our notification systems didn’t have extensive Terms and Conditions attached to it. Bells just rung. But with these new powers, come greater responsibilities. The reality is that these digital communications systems are so new that we currently have no idea on how to best integrate them in society.